History reports in detail about who killed whom and when, at least as long as they were Important Figures. But quite often it forgets to tell us how people like you and me lived, loved, ate, worked, swore and died over the centuries, thus leaving us with the disturbing feeling that a handful of bullies have ever been more important than the millions that fed them and sheepishly obeyed them. Sure there are books (if not really many) that remedy this lack, but a picture is worth a thousand words – and costs much less 🙂
Vintage illustration: people sitting under a pergola in…
Humor and caricatures 19th century: a flock of…
Vintage fashion illustrated, Lady dressed in white with…
French 1837 fashion, young lady elegant dressed for…
Marriage preparatives: festive and happy children at home,…
Vienna 1840 fashion, two young ladies fancy dressed…
Vintage fashion illustrated, two ladies chatting in fancy…
Vintage engraving of baroque style richly decorated parlor…